Thursday, April 16, 2009

Big Stan

My brother recommended and gave us this one to watch. It was literally about a guy (Stan) on his way to prison for fraud whose fear of being raped there led him to get training in the six months before serving his sentence to fight men who tried to off. I didn't like the movie. Some of the problems it had:

-It wasn't funny
-Dr. Cameron from "House" was Stan's bimbo wife. Considering the excellency of the series "House," I figured she doesn't have a sense of humor and figured the movie would make a lot of money as Schneider's movies usually do. I am certain it didn't because I'd never heard of it before my brother gave it to us and it's like two years old.
-Vulgarity doesn't necessarily equal humor. I'm not sure it ever has.
-Schneider is distractingly unattractive
-When Stan arrived at the prison, he fought the "toughest" guy and a bunch of other guys to show he was tougher so no one would mess with him. It happens all the time in fight scenes, but you have to hate the fact that opponents come up one at a time when it's one guy against a group of people.
-The prisoners were gathered up outside for some reason on bleachers while Stan spoke to them. Stan decided that he would help others not be raped by threatening that he would fight anyone that did. He told them that they couldn't rape anymore, explaining that some people were only there for not-so-bad things. One of the guys asked, "What about rapists?" Stan agreed that it seemed fair and said that was okay. Another guy asked, "How about child molesters?" Stan said that was okay. That was great, but then he ruined it a minute or two later by saying that they couldn't because they had to quit cold turkey.

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